Still Dreaming
Luis V. (Chicago Congressman) Gutierrez
Beloved by the immigrants and working people whose rights he has championed, twelve-term Congressman Luis Gutierrez is, among Latinos and along with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the most recognized Hispanic public figure in America.
Here Gutierrez recounts his life between two worlds: too Puerto Rican in America, where he was born and yet was told to "go back to where you came from"; too American in Puerto Rico, where he was ridiculed as a "gringo" who couldn’t speak Spanish. For much of his early life, he seemed like the last person who would rise to national prominence. Yet his ... Read more
Gutierrez was one of the first Latino public figures to support gay rights; he led the fight to cut Congressional paychecks, hashed out legislation with both Ted Kennedy and John McCain, and fought with Newt Gingrich and George W. Bush. Despite his strong support for Barack Obama in two elections, he was arrested twice while protesting for immigrants in front of the Obama White House. From recollections of his failures as a teenage activist to his crackling observations of the nautical décor in Kennedy’s office and the white-gloved waiters of the Speaker’s dining room, Gutierrez is as endearing to the reader as he is sometimes maddening to his colleagues, inspiring us all to stand up for our rights and for those of others.
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About Luis V. (Chicago Congressman) Gutierrez
Reviews for Still Dreaming
Kirkus Reviews "Read Still Dreaming and you’ll feel better about America. Luis Gutierrez—a man full of passion, humor, and fascinating insights—has never forgotten where he came from, even as he has ascended to the highest ... Read more