Advances in Heavy Tailed Risk Modeling: A Handbook of Operational Risk
Gareth W. Peters
A cutting-edge guide for the theories, applications, and statistical methodologies essential to heavy tailed risk modeling
Focusing on the quantitative aspects of heavy tailed loss processes in operational risk and relevant insurance analytics, Advances in Heavy Tailed Risk Modeling: A Handbook of Operational Risk presents comprehensive coverage of the latest research on the theories and applications in risk measurement and modeling techniques. Featuring a unique balance of mathematical and statistical perspectives, the handbook begins by introducing the motivation for heavy tailed risk processes.
A companion with Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics: ... Read more , the handbook provides a complete framework for all aspects of operational risk management and includes:
- Clear coverage on advanced topics such as splice loss models, extreme value theory, heavy tailed closed form loss distribution approach models, flexible heavy tailed risk models, risk measures, and higher order asymptotic approximations of risk measures for capital estimation
- An exploration of the characterization and estimation of risk and insurance modeling, which includes sub-exponential models, alpha-stable models, and tempered alpha stable models
- An extended discussion of the core concepts of risk measurement and capital estimation as well as the details on numerical approaches to evaluation of heavy tailed loss process model capital estimates
- Numerous detailed examples of real-world methods and practices of operational risk modeling used by both financial and non-financial institutions
Advances in Heavy Tailed Risk Modeling: A Handbook of Operational Risk is an excellent reference for risk management practitioners, quantitative analysts, financial engineers, and risk managers. The handbook is also useful for graduate-level courses on heavy tailed processes, advanced risk management, and actuarial science.
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About Gareth W. Peters
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