Economics Today: The Micro View (Pearson Series in Economics)
Roger Leroy Miller
For courses in Microeconomics.
Economics brought to life through real-world application
Readers learn best when they see concepts applied to examples from their everyday lives, so Economics Today: The Micro View addresses real, cutting-¿edge issues while facilitating individual learning. The text shows readers how economics is front and center in their daily routines, while providing them with many ways to evaluate their understanding of key concepts covered in each chapter. The 19th Edition also includes a new emphasis on behavioral economics, along with all-new problems, vignettes, and features that engage readers and help them focus on the central ideas ... Read more
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MyLab™ Economics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Economics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Economics, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
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0134641744 / 9780134641744 Economics Today: The Micro View Plus MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
- 0134479254 / 9780134479255 Economics Today: The Micro View
- 0134480333 / 9780134480336 MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Economics Today: The Micro View
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Reviews for Economics Today: The Micro View (Pearson Series in Economics)