Transport Decisions in an Age of Uncertainty
E.J. . Ed(S): Visser
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Description for Transport Decisions in an Age of Uncertainty
Paperback. Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Transport Research, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 1977 Editor(s): Visser, E.J. Num Pages: 660 pages, biography. BIC Classification: KCCD; KCU. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 244 x 170 x 33. Weight in Grams: 1119.
Comme cela a deja ete enonce durant la premiere As already indicated during the first World Confer- Conference Mondiale sur la Recherche dans les Trans- ence on Transport Research in Bruges, Belgium in 1973, ports a Bruges, Belgique en 1973, Ie transport est today transportation is a recognized profession. This is aujourd'hui une profession reconnue. C'est egalement equally true in 1977, the year that the third World Con- vrai en 1977, annee a laquelle fut organisee a Rotter- ference was organized in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. dam, Pays-Bas, la troisieme Conference Mondiale. Le Transportation has truly emerged as an identifiable transport ... Read more
Comme cela a deja ete enonce durant la premiere As already indicated during the first World Confer- Conference Mondiale sur la Recherche dans les Trans- ence on Transport Research in Bruges, Belgium in 1973, ports a Bruges, Belgique en 1973, Ie transport est today transportation is a recognized profession. This is aujourd'hui une profession reconnue. C'est egalement equally true in 1977, the year that the third World Con- vrai en 1977, annee a laquelle fut organisee a Rotter- ference was organized in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. dam, Pays-Bas, la troisieme Conference Mondiale. Le Transportation has truly emerged as an identifiable transport ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Transport Decisions in an Age of Uncertainty