Everyone a Leader
David Colcleugh
Aimed at practicing engineers and scientists as well as students, Everyone a Leader: A Guide to Leading High-Performance Organizations for Engineers and Scientists offers innovative learning frameworks for acquiring competence in leadership that were originally developed at DuPont Canada.
This book is specifically tailored to meet the needs of those in engineering and scientific fields. David Colcleugh, leadership educator and former CEO of DuPont Canada, draws examples of value-added processes and systems familiar to engineers and scientists to illustrate the importance of developing leadership capabilities in addition to technical skills. Colcleugh brings theories to life through a wealth of case studies ... Read more
The models presented in this book have been tested both in the field and as teaching tools at the Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering at the University of Toronto. Stressing continuous improvement, ethical standards, and teamwork, Everyone a Leader: A Guide to Leading High-Performance Organizations for Engineers and Scientists reveals how organizational change becomes possible when every employee is not only a functional expert, but also a leader.
EVERYONE A LEADER® is a registered U.S. Trademark of TeamTech, LLC. The term is used by the author with permission of TeamTech, LLC but TeamTech, LLC is not responsible for the contents of any aspect of this book.
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About David Colcleugh
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