Risk and Crisis Communications
Pamela (Ferrante) Walaski
The go-to guide for learning what to say and how to say it
In this climate of near constant streams of media messages, organizations need to know how to effectively communicate risks to their audiences and what to say when a crisis strikes. Risk and Crisis Communications: Methods and Messages is designed to help organizations understand the essential components of communicating about risks during a crisis, and it carves out a role for safety health and environmental (SH&E) professionals in the process.
Covering common theoretical concepts and explaining the positions of noted experts in the field such as Peter Sandman ... Read more
Savvy SH&E professionals know that their role in helping to craft risk and crisis messages as well as assisting in the execution of risk communication plans provides a critical path to becoming more valuable members of their organizations. Risk and Crisis Communications: Methods and Messages provides invaluable assistance in helping SH&E professionals add value to their organization.
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About Pamela (Ferrante) Walaski
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