People Buy You: The Real Secret to what Matters Most in Business
Jeb Blount
A guide for the true center of the sale-you
When all things are equal (and in today's competitive world they almost always are) people buy you-the salesperson. No matter the product, the best salespeople, the ones who win, are selling themselves. Num Pages: 208 pages. BIC Classification: KJ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 224 x 150 x 20. Weight in Grams: 370. What is most important to your success as a sales or business professional? Is it education, experience, product knowledge, job title, territory, or business dress? Is it your company's reputation, product, price, marketing collateral, delivery lead times, in stock ratios, service guarantees, management strength, or warehouse location? Is it testimonials, the latest Forbes write up, or brand awareness? Is it the investment in the latest CRM software, business 2.0 tools, or social media strategy? You could hire a fancy consulting firm, make the list longer, add some ... Read more If you want to know the real secret to what matters most in business, just look in the mirror. That's right, it's YOU. Do these other things matter? Of course they do, but when all things are equal (and in the competitive world we live in today, things almost always are) People Buy You. Your ability to build lasting business relationships that allow you to close more deals, retain clients, increase your income, and advance your career to rise the top of your company or industry, depends on your skills for getting other people to like you, trust you, and BUY YOU. This break-through book pushes past the typical focus on mechanics and stale processes found in so many of today's sales and business books, and goes right to the heart of what matters most in 21st century business. Offering a straight forward, actionable formula for creating instant connections with prospects and customers, People Buy You will enable you to achieve a whole new level of success in your sales and business career. You'll discover: People Buy You is the new standard in the art of influence and persuasion. Few books have tackled the subject of interpersonal relationships in the business world in such a practical and down-to-earth manner, breaking what many perceive as a complex and frustrating process into easy, actionable steps that anyone can follow.
The ultimate guide to relationships, influence and persuasion in 21st century business.
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About Jeb Blount
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