The Evolution of Agrarian Institutions: A Comparative Study of Post-Socialist Hungary and Bulgaria
Mieke E. Meurs
The Evolution of Agrarian Institutions studies the unexpectedly slow and uneven growth of private agriculture in postsocialist East-Central Europe. Comparing developments in Hungary and Bulgaria, Mieke Meurs offers an explanation for this slow growth and examines its implications for efficiency and income distribution in postsocialist agriculture.
With the collapse of the state socialist regimes in East-Central Europe, it was widely expected that collectivized agriculture would quickly be remade in the glowing image of China--a patchwork of small, privately run farms yielding rapid increases in output and incomes. However, the European experience has been quite different; while socialist collective farms ... Read more
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About Mieke E. Meurs
Reviews for The Evolution of Agrarian Institutions: A Comparative Study of Post-Socialist Hungary and Bulgaria
AAASS Edward A. Hewett Prize