Whales and Nations: Environmental Diplomacy on the High Seas (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books)
Kurkpatrick Dorsey
Before commercial whaling was outlawed in the 1980s, diplomats, scientists, bureaucrats, environmentalists, and sometimes even whalers themselves had attempted to create an international regulatory framework that would allow for a sustainable whaling industry. In Whales and Nations, Kurkpatrick Dorsey tells the story of the international negotiation, scientific research, and industrial development behind these efforts —and their ultimate failure.
Whales and Nations begins in the early twentieth century, when new technology revived the fading whaling industry and made whale hunting possible on an unprecedented scale. By the 1920s, declining whale populations prompted efforts to develop “rational”—what today would be called ... Read more
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About Kurkpatrick Dorsey
Reviews for Whales and Nations: Environmental Diplomacy on the High Seas (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books)
"The geographic scale of the cooperation required to ‘save the whales’ can be hard to fathom. Kurkpatrick Dorsey understands it experientially through his exhaustive ... Read more