Girl's Guide to Life
Katie Meier
A Girl's Guide toLife offers girls a fun, healthy approach to facing their adolescent years.
This complete resource helps teenage girls deal with all thetraumas, dramas, and triumphs in their lives. The book is divided into Body,Mind, and Soul sections to address the relevant issues in each area of a youngwoman’s life. It’s "the" book for anygirl wondering what’s happening to her body, soul, and mind during these crazyyears.
Revised and updated to include information on texting,sexting, and the viral cultural in which teens live, this book will help girlsnavigate their way through what can be a very tumultuous time ... Read more
With conversations with real teen girls, a foundation on Godand the Bible, and helpful tips and questions for the reader, girls will gainan encouraging and fresh perspective on their lives.
A Girl's Guide to Life offers teen girls a new approach to facing their adolescent years.
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