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. Ed(S): Orey, Michael; Jones, Stephanie A.; Branch, Robert Maribe - Educational Media and Technology Yearbook - 9781461425540 - V9781461425540
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Educational Media and Technology Yearbook

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Description for Educational Media and Technology Yearbook Paperback. This book highlights the latest in educational technology. Here are ideas that are not only intellectually intriguing but also practical and practice-building, inspiring educators to move beyond traditional teaching roles toward learning design. Editor(s): Orey, Michael; Jones, Stephanie A.; Branch, Robert Maribe. Series: Educational Media and Technology Yearbook. Num Pages: 468 pages, 50 black & white illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: JNT; YQT. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 25. Weight in Grams: 700.
TheaudiencefortheYearbookconsistsofmediaandtechnologyprofessionalsin schools,highereducation,andbusinesscontexts. Topicsofinteresttoprofessi- alspracticingintheseareasarebroad,astheTableofContentsdemonstrates. The themeunifyingeachofthechaptersinthebookistheuseoftechnologytoenable orenhanceeducation. Formsoftechnologyrepresentedinthisvolumevaryfrom traditionaltoolssuchasthebooktothelatestadvancementsindigitaltechnology, while areas of education encompass widely ranging situations involving learning andteaching,whichareideatechnologies. Asinpriorvolumes,theassumptionsunderlyingthechapterspresentedhereare asfollows: 1. Technologyrepresentstoolsthatactasextensionsoftheeducator. 2. Mediaserveasdeliverysystemsforeducationalcommunications. 3. Technologyisnotrestrictedtomachinesandhardware,butincludestechniques andproceduresderivedfromscienti?cresearchaboutwaystopromotechange inhumanperformance. 4. The fundamental tenet is that educational media and technology should be usedto a. achieveauthenticlearningobjectives, b. situatelearningtasks, c. negotiatethecomplexitiesofguidedlearning, d. facilitatetheconstructionofknowledge, e. aidintheassessment/documentingoflearning, f. supportskillacquisition,and g. managediversity. TheEducationalMediaandTechnologyYearbook has become a standard r- erence in many libraries and professional collections. Examined in relation to its companion volumes of the past, it provides a valuable historical record of c- rent ideas and developments in the ?eld. Part I, "Trends and Issues ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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