Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery
Graham Williams
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Description for Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery
Paperback. With a focus on the hands-on, end-to-end process for data mining, this book guides the reader through various capabilities of the easy-to-use, free and open source Rattle Data Mining Software built on the sophisticated R Statistical Software. Series: Use R!. Num Pages: 394 pages, 15 black & white illustrations, 80 colour illustrations, 1 black & white tables, biograph. BIC Classification: UFM; UNF. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 232 x 159 x 17. Weight in Grams: 594.
Data mining is the art and science of intelligent data analysis. By building knowledge from information, data mining adds considerable value to the ever increasing stores of electronic data that abound today. In performing data mining many decisions need to be made regarding the choice of methodology, the choice of data, the choice of tools, and the choice of algorithms. Throughout this book the reader is introduced to the basic concepts and some of the more popular algorithms of data mining. With a focus on the hands-on end-to-end process for data mining, Williams guides the reader through ... Read more
Data mining is the art and science of intelligent data analysis. By building knowledge from information, data mining adds considerable value to the ever increasing stores of electronic data that abound today. In performing data mining many decisions need to be made regarding the choice of methodology, the choice of data, the choice of tools, and the choice of algorithms. Throughout this book the reader is introduced to the basic concepts and some of the more popular algorithms of data mining. With a focus on the hands-on end-to-end process for data mining, Williams guides the reader through ... Read more
Product Details
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Publication date
Use R!
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 4 to 8 working days
About Graham Williams
Dr Graham Williams is Senior Director of Analytics with the Australian Taxation Office, and previously Principal Computer Scientist for Data Mining with CSIRO. He is also Visiting Professor and Senior International Scientist with the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Analytics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Adjunct Professor, Data Mining, Fraud Prevention, Security, University of Canberra, and Adjunct Professor, Australian National ... Read more
Reviews for Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery
From the book reviews: The text does a great job of showing how to do each step using the data mining tool Rattle and related R concepts as appropriate. This makes it a great tool for someone who does not know much about R and wants to learn more about the powerful options available in R ... Read more