Advanced Mobility and Transport Engineering
. Ed(S): Hammadi, Slim; Ksouri, Mekki
Multimodal transport network customers need to be directed during their travels. A travel support tool can be offered by a Multimodal Information System (MIS), which allows them to input their needs and provides them with the appropriate responses to improve their travel conditions.
The goal of this book is to design and develop methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool which can ensure permanent multimodal information availability before and during travel, considering passengers’ mobility.
The authors propose methods and tools that help transport network customers to formulate their requests when they connect to their favorite information systems ... Read more
1. Agent-oriented Road Traffic Simulation, René Mandiau, Sylvain Piechowiak, Arnaud Doniec and Stéphane Espié.
2. An Agent-based Information System for Searching
and Creating Mobility-aiding Services, Slim Hammadi and Hayfa Zgaya.
3. Inter-vehicle Services and Communication, Sylvain Lecomte, Thierry Delot and Mikael Desertot.
4. Modeling and Control of Traffic Flow, Daniel Jolly, Boumediene Kamel and Amar Benasser.
5. Criteria and Methods for Interactive System Evaluation: Application to a Regulation Post in the Transport Domain, Houcine Ezzedine, Abdelwaheb Trabelsi, Chi Dung Tran and Christophe Kolski.
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About . Ed(S): Hammadi, Slim; Ksouri, Mekki
Reviews for Advanced Mobility and Transport Engineering