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. Ed(S): Buchmann, Alejandro P.; Casati, Fabio; Fiege, Ludger; Hsu, Mei-Chun; Shan, Ming-Chien (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories) - Technologies for E-Services - 9783540441106 - V9783540441106
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Technologies for E-Services

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Description for Technologies for E-Services Paperback. Constituting the preceedings of the third International Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, these papers address such topics as: database issues for e-services; b2b integration; model transformation; information fusion; process-based application development and information integration. Editor(s): Buchmann, Alejandro P.; Casati, Fabio; Fiege, Ludger; Hsu, Mei-Chun; Shan, Ming-Chien (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories). Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Num Pages: 181 pages, biography. BIC Classification: UDB; UY. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 10. Weight in Grams: 600.
The2002VLDBworkshoponTechnologiesforE-Services(VLDB-TES02)is the third workshop in a series of annual workshops endorsed by the VLDB Conference. Itservesasaforumfortheexchangeofideas,resultsandexperience intheareaofe-commerceande-business. VLDB-TES02tookplaceinHongKong,China. Itfeaturedthepresentation of14regularpapers,focusedonmajoraspectsofe-businesssolutions. Inad- tion,theworkshopinvited?veindustrialspeakerstosharetheirvision,insight, andexperiencewiththeaudience. Theworkshopwouldnothavebeenasuccesswithouthelpfrommanyp- ple. SpecialthanksgotoFabioCasati,whorecruitedtheworld-classspeakers from various e-business ?elds, Ludger Fiege who served as the publicity and publicationchair,andEleanaKafeza,whoorganizedandplannedthelocal- rangements. We also thank the authors for submitting their papers and the membersoftheprogramcommitteeandexternalreviewersfortheirthorough work,whichgreatlycontributedtothequalityofthe?nalprogram. Wehopethattheparticipantsfoundtheworkshopinterestingandstimul- ing,andwethankthemforattendingandforcontributingtothediscussions. Juli2002 Ming-ChienShan Mei-ChunHsu AlejandroBuchmann Organization WorkshopO?cers GeneralChair Ming-ChienShan,Hewlett-Packard shan@hpl. hp. com ProgramChairs Mei-ChunHsu,CommerceOne Meichun. Hsu@commerceone. com AlejandroBuchmann,DarmstadtUniversityofTechnology buchmann@informatik. tu-darmstadt. de IndustrialTrackChair FabioCasati,Hewlett-Packard casati@hpl. hp. com LocalArrangementsChair EleanaKafeza,HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology kafeza@cs. ust. hk PublicityChair LudgerFiege,DarmstadtUniversityofTechnology fiege@gkec. tu-darmstadt. de VIII Organization ProgramCommittee GustavoAlonso,ETHZuric .. h,Switzerland JeanBacon,CambridgeUniversity,UK MartinBichler,IBM,USA ChristofBornhoevd,IBM,USA PaulBrebner,CSIRO,Australia ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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