Development of Innovative Drugs via Modeling with MATLAB
Gieschke, Ronald; Serafin, Daniel
The development of innovative drugs is becoming more difficult while relying on empirical approaches. This inspired all major pharmaceutical companies to pursue alternative model-based paradigms. The key question is: How to find innovative compounds and, subsequently, appropriate dosage regimens?
Written from the industry perspective and based on many years of experience, this book offers:
- Concepts for creation of drug-disease models, introduced and supplemented with extensive MATLAB programs
- Guidance for exploration and modification of these programs to enhance the understanding of key principles
- Usage of differential equations to pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and (patho-) physiologic problems thereby acknowledging their dynamic nature
- A range ... Read more
Students with an undergraduate mathematical background or equivalent education, interest in life sciences and skills in a high-level programming language such as MATLAB, are encouraged to engage in model-based pharmaceutical research and development.
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Reviews for Development of Innovative Drugs via Modeling with MATLAB