Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
. Ed(S): Cook, William J.; Lovasz, Laszlo; Vygen, Jens
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Description for Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
Paperback. Written by leading experts in combinatorial optimization, this book features in-depth surveys of current research areas in combinatorial optimization in the broad sense. These range from applied graph theory to mathematical programming. Editor(s): Cook, William J.; Lovasz, Laszlo; Vygen, Jens. Num Pages: 575 pages, 21 black & white tables, biography. BIC Classification: KJT; PBKS; PBUH; PBV; UYA. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 29. Weight in Grams: 878.
The editors and authors dedicate this book to Bernhard Korte on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. We, the editors, are happy about the overwhelming feedback to our initiative to honor him with this book and with a workshop in Bonn on November 3–7,2008.Althoughthiswouldbeareasontolookback,wewouldratherliketolook forward and see what are the interesting research directions today. This book is written by leading experts in combinatorial optimization. All - pers were carefully reviewed, and eventually twenty-three of the invited papers were accepted for this book. The breadth of topics is typical for the eld: combinatorial optimization builds bridges between areas like combinatorics and ... Read more
The editors and authors dedicate this book to Bernhard Korte on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. We, the editors, are happy about the overwhelming feedback to our initiative to honor him with this book and with a workshop in Bonn on November 3–7,2008.Althoughthiswouldbeareasontolookback,wewouldratherliketolook forward and see what are the interesting research directions today. This book is written by leading experts in combinatorial optimization. All - pers were carefully reviewed, and eventually twenty-three of the invited papers were accepted for this book. The breadth of topics is typical for the eld: combinatorial optimization builds bridges between areas like combinatorics and ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
Aus den Rezensionen: “Das Gebiet der kombinatorischen Optimierung umfasst ein weites Spektrum von verschiedenen mathematischen Problemen und Methoden, und ist sowohl aus praktischer als auch aus theoretischer Sicht interessant. Der praktische Nutzen ist offensichtlich, denn in fast jedem Bereich, der mathematische Methoden zur Analyse oder zur Optimierung verwendet ... treten an prominenter Stelle anspruchsvolle kombinatorische Optimierungsprobleme auf. Ein innermathematisch ... Read more