Yale French Studies, Number 113: French Education: Fifty Years Later
Ralph Albanese (Ed.)
Editors’ Preface
I. Chronology
II. Historical Perspectives
Violaine Houdart-Mérot
Literary Education in the Lycée: Crises, Continuity, and Upheaval since 1880
Martine Jey
The Literature of the Enlightenment: An Impossible Legacy for the Republican School
Anne-Marie Chartier
When French Schoolchildren were Introduced to Literature (1920-1940)
Gilbert Chaitin
Education and Political Identity: The Universalist Controversy
III. Education Outside of the School, Outside of France
Ralph Albanese
Corneille as a Cultural Icon in France from the Third Republic to Today
Sabine Loucif
French in American Universities: Toward the Reshaping of Frenchness
Brigitte Weltman-Aron
The Pedagogy of Colonial Algeria: Djebar, Cixous, Derrida
IV. The Persistent Controversy
Pierre Albertini
Why Kevin’s Teacher Can’t Teach
Jean-Louis Chiss
The Crisis ... Read more
Dan Savatovsky
The Founding and Refounding of French as a Discipline
Tzvetan Todorov
Reading and Living
Product Details
Reviews for Yale French Studies, Number 113: French Education: Fifty Years Later