The Declared Enemy. Texts and Interviews.
Genet, Jean. Ed(S): Dichy, Albert
This posthumous work brings together articles, interviews, statements, prefaces, manifestos, and speeches dating from 1964 to 1985 (just before Genet's death in 1986). These texts bear witness to the many political causes and groups with which Genet felt an affinity, including May ’68 and the treatment of immigrants in France, but especially the Black Panthers and the Palestinians. We follow him from the Chicago Democratic Convention (where he met William Burroughs and Alan Ginsberg) to Yale University, where he gave the famous May Day Speech in support of the Black Panthers, to Jordan and the Palestinian camps. Along the way, ... Read more
Between passionate enmity and passionate affinity, Genet speaks for a politics of protest, with an uncompromising outrage that, today, might seem on the verge of being forgotten.
The texts are accompanied by detailed editorial notes.
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About Genet, Jean. Ed(S): Dichy, Albert
Reviews for The Declared Enemy. Texts and Interviews.