Lionel Asbo: State of England
Martin Amis
Lionel Asbo has just won £139,999,999.50 on the Lottery.
A horribly violent, but horribly unsuccessful criminal, Lionel’s attentions up to now have all been on his nephew, Desmond Pepperdine. He showers him with fatherly advice (‘carry a knife’) and introduces Des to the joys of internet porn. Meanwhile, Des desires nothing more than books, a girl to love and to steer clear Uncle Li’s psychotic pitbulls, Joe and Jeff.
But Lionel’s winnings are not necessarily all good news. For Des has a secret, and its discovery could unleash his uncle’s implacable vengeance.
‘One of ... Read more
‘A book that looks at us, laughs at us, looks at us harder, closer, and laughs at us harder and still more savagely’ Observer
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About Martin Amis
Reviews for Lionel Asbo: State of England
Richard Ford
This is classic Amis
Sunday Herald
The novel is something of a joy...he makes the dreadful funny, the grotesque poetic
The Times
It's a Big Mac made from filet mignon… It is a book of lovehate. It is a ... Read more