The Third Day
Chochana Boukhobza
A leading Israeli musician and her protégé return to Jerusalem for three days to perform with the Philharmonic Orchestra. Both women - one a gifted young cellist, one a Holocaust survivor saved by her extraordinary musical talent - have been in America for some time, are quickly caught up in tangled threads from former lives. Elisheva is reunited with her godson, Daniel; Rachel must face both her distant father and Erytan, a former lover, whose lingering power over her now threatens all she has worked for.
Elisheva is coaching Rachel for the solo performance, but something else has drawn her ... Read more
Set in the late 1980s, The Third Day is a vivid portrait of life in Jerusalem and a sensitive meditation on the power of music and the sacrifices it demands. And at its heart is a gripping narrative of retribution that brings the novel's many moving strands towards a tense and shattering conclusion.
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About Chochana Boukhobza
Reviews for The Third Day
Hephzibah Anderson
Daily Mail
A nail-biting finale involves the entire ensemble, and the resolution is ... Read more