Emma Chichester Clark
A gift that will bring cries of delighted recognition from anyone who has ever owned a dog and, dare one say it, charm the pants off even those who strongly prefer cats.
Hello. My name is Plum and I’m a whoosell – that’s whippet mixed with Jack Russell and poodle. I especially like swimming, leaping, catching, and croissants, and my favourite fragrance is fox poo. I live with Emma, an illustrator, and Rupert. My sister, Liffey, lives nearby.
Over the last year I’ve been keeping a diary. Emma has helped with the pictures, but the words are all ... Read more
Since 2012 Emma Chichester Clark, one of Britain’s best-loved authors and illustrators, has been delighting thousands of followers with her blog Plumdog, which records the day to day life of Plum, her dog, in Plum’s own words and Emma’s drawings.
Product Details
About Emma Chichester Clark
Reviews for Plumdog
Alex O'Connor
The Times
This diary is full of affection for dogs, for people, for life’s small joys and for the outdoors.
Nicolette Jones
Sunday Times
A lovely, funny and wry look at life through a dog’s eyes…aimed at anyone who loves dogs.
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