Results 27097 - 27120 of 27122
33 p. 21 cm. Paperback. Near-fine copy. Slight rubbing to covers.
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Publisher
- European Movement
- Publication date
- 1998
- KEX0063645
- 9780950271439
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. Includes bibliographical references. 240 p. Paperback. A good copy. Pages browned untrimmed. Some wear to the spines edges.
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- Julliard
- Publication date
- 1956
- KEX0127870
Condition: Used, Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. Leagan Béarla agus Gaeilge. 8vo.68pp
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Publisher
- The Trinitarian Bible Society
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1922
- KTK0077978
Condition: Used, Good
€ 18.00
€ 18.00
Hardback. Stair an Choondae. roinnt ruaim. 362pp
- Publisher
- Oifig an tSolathair
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1940
- Condition
- Used, Good
- KTJ0008823
Condition: Used, Good
€ 35.00
€ 35.00
Hardback. Uimhir Mheadhon Fhoghmhair 1924, Nodlag 1924, Márta 1926, An Fhoghmhar 1926, Nodlag 1926, Márta 1927, Meitheamh 1927, Meadhon Foghmhar 1927, Nodlag 1927, Meitheamh 1928, Meadhon Fomhar 1928, Nodlag 1928 agus Lúireach Phádraig
- Format
- Hardback
- Condition
- Used, Good
- KTK0002706
Condition: Used, Good
€ 25.00
€ 25.00
Hardback. "59 p. 24 cm. Paperback. Very good, clean copy." Keywords: "Research , Research , Pamphlet"
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- Organisation for Economic Co-ope
- Publication date
- 1961
- KEX0063928
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. "Martin & Walter IV 2: 15359. 19 p. 20 cm. Rebound in modern marbled boards. Finely and professionally rebound in modern marbled boards, gilt titled leather label to front panel, scan as requested . Antiquarian."
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- s.n.]
- Publication date
- 1791
- KEX0042348
Condition: Used, Good
€ 148.80
€ 148.80
Hardback. An clúdach rud beagaa caite. 96pp
- Publisher
- P. MacGafraidh
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- KTK0002622
Condition: Used, Good
€ 10.00
€ 10.00
Hardback. Paimfléid 24pp
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1984
- KTK0077792
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 10.00
€ 10.00
Paperback. 260pp. French Language
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Publisher
- Europe Revue Litteraire Mensuelle
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1976
- KON0822831
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. 100pp. Soviet Jewry after Khruschev. Pages shaded, bumped, otherwise text very clear. Keywords: Jewish studies, history
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- European Jewish Publications
- Publication date
- 1966
- KHS1012939
Condition: Used, Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Sheet map, folded. From the publishers of Footprint Maps, this is a visitor map and guide of the whole of the Cairngorms - Scotland's second National Park. Based on OS data, there is clear mapping at a scale of 1:120,000. A touring maps showing areas for walkers, cyclists, wildlife, history and visitor attractions. Series: Footprint Maps. BIC Classification: 1DBKSH; WTRM. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 119 x 236 x 6. Weight in Grams: 88.
- Publisher
- Footprint
- Publication date
- 2014
- Condition
- New
- V9781871149883
- 9781871149883
Condition: New
€ 15.02
€ 15.02
Hardback. n.d. n.p. Carte au 1/1000000. 1cm=10 KM. French language
- Publisher
- Foldex
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Format
- Hardback
- KHS1017006
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Paperback. Oidhreacht Cheoli.128pp
- Publisher
- Imprint unknown
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- KTK0000233
- 9780954532406
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 12.00
€ 12.00
Sheet map, flat. Published specially by After the Battle to coincide with the suspension of Allied occupation rights in Berlin in October 1990, this map was produced in 1944 by the War Office and lists the location and use of all important buildings in Berlin to be used in the occupation of the city. BIC Classification: 1DFG; HBJD; HBTP1; HBWQ; JWKF. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 153 x 299 x 7. Weight in Grams: 76. Published specially by After the Battle to coincide with the suspension of Allied occupation rights in Berlin in October 1990, this map was produced in 1944 by the War Office and lists the location and use of all important buildings in Berlin to be used in the occupation of the city. Cateogry: (G) General (US: Trade). BIC Classification: 1DFG; HBJD; HBTP1; HBWQ; JWKF. Dimension: 297 x 152 x 2. Weight: 56.
- Publisher
- After the Battle
- Publication date
- 2001
- Condition
- New
- V9781870067331
- 9781870067331
Condition: New
€ 8.08
€ 8.08
Hardback. "Twentieth edition--revised. ~ Original soft cloth ~ Near good copy in dulled and spine sunned red covers. Some foxing throughout. Previous owner's name to front page. Front paste-down slightly edge torn, but not affecting the cover or the hinge. Text br".
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- Ward, Lock & Co
- Publication date
- 1928
- KEX0135924
Condition: Used, Good
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Paperback. 135pp. n.d. OECD Country Reports Series. Library markings. Keywords: Economics, education, development
- Format
- Paperback
- Publisher
- Condition
- Used, Like New
- KHS1009715
Condition: Used, Like New
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. Foclóir Bíobalta. A - L. 221pp
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Publisher
- An Sagart
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1986
- KTK0002437
Condition: Used, Good
€ 10.00
€ 10.00
Hardback. An chéad cló.92pp
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Publisher
- Connradh na Gaedhilge
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1902
- KTK0002826
Condition: Used, Good
€ 15.00
€ 15.00
Hardback. "Rebound in modern marbled boards ~ Finely and professionally rebound in modern marbled boards, gilt titled leather label to front panel, scan as requested, uninked perforated library mark ( not extensive ) to the title page . Antiquarian. OC". Keywords: Jacobins.
- Publisher
- De l'imprimerie des Droits du pe
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Format
- Hardback
- KEX0041195
Condition: Used, Good
€ 75.60
€ 75.60
Hardback. "One issue only.Vol. L No. 118 January 1972. First article."The death of the epic hero in the Kamskoye Poboische Bylina" by Alex E. Alexander. 152 p. 25 cm. Paperback. Fine clean copy with tight binding, title printed on spine and front cover, as new." Keywords: East europe
- Condition
- Used, Like New
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- Cambridge university press
- Publication date
- 1972
- KEX0134936
Condition: Used, Like New
€ 20.99€ 4.99
€ 20.99
€ 4.99
Hardback. Foclóir Bíobalta. 221 & 173pp
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Publisher
- An Sagart
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1986
- KTK0002435
Condition: Used, Good
€ 16.00
€ 16.00
Hardback. 35lth .Nuair a d'éag Parnell choinnigh Katherine na dánta a scríobh sé chuici. Ní raibh ord ná dáta orthu ach ar a léamh is follas gur aonad iad as an ríocht ina raibh siad, an-áthas agus a gcuid éadóchais leis. Bhuaigh leagan den saothar seo duais i gcomórtas liteartha Oireachtas na Gaeilge 1990, agus ghnóthaigh a fhormhór duais na filíochta ag Seachtain na Scríbhneoirí, Lios Tuathail 1991. After Parnell's death, Katherine kept the poems he had sent her. They were undated and not in order, but they form a unit as they are, out of joy or despair. A version of this work won a literary competition in the 1990 Oireachtas, and part of it won the author the Poetry Prize in the Listowel Writers' Week, 1991.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publisher
- Coiscéim
- Publication date
- 1991
- Condition
- New
- KHS0035226
Condition: New
€ 6.00
€ 6.00
Paperback. Filíocht, 16pp
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Publisher
- Aisling
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1987
- KTK0001786
Condition: Used, Good
€ 10.00
€ 10.00