Fields of Fire
Terry Copp
With Fields of Fire, Terry Copp challenges the conventional view that the Canadian contribution to the Battle of Normandy was a “failure” – that the allies won only through the use of brute force, and that the Canadian soldiers and commanding officers were essentially incompetent. His detailed and impeccably researched analysis of what actually happened on the battlefield portrays a flexible, innovative army that made a major, and successful, contribution to the defeat of the German forces in just seventy-six days.
Challenging both existing interpretations of the campaign and current approaches to military history, Copp examines the Battle of Normandy, ... Read more
This new edition of Copp’s best-selling, award-winning history includes a new introduction that examines the strategic background of the Battle of Normandy.
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About Terry Copp
Reviews for Fields of Fire
David Bercuson
The Globe and Mail
“A must read for those interested in the Second World War or military history in general.”
Bernd Horn
The Canadian Historical Review
“Fields of Fire is a history that sets the standard for Canadian Second World War scholarship.” ... Read more