Frigates and Foremasts: The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815
Julian Gwyn
The first comprehensive study of naval operations involving NorthAmerican squadrons in Nova Scotia waters, Frigates and Foremasts offersa masterful analysis of the motives behind the deployment of Royal Navyvessels between 1745 and 1815, and the navy’s role on the WesternAtlantic.
Interweaving historical analysis with vivid descriptions of pivotalevents from the first siege of Louisbourg in 1745 to the end of thewars with the United States and France in 1815, Julian Gwyn illuminatesthe complex story of competing interests among the Admiralty, NavyBoard, sea officers, and government officials on both sides of theAtlantic. In a gripping narrative encompassing sea battles,impressments, and privateering, ... Read more
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About Julian Gwyn
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