Headlines of Nation, Subtexts of Class
. Ed(S): Kalb, Don; Halmai, Gabor
Since 1989 neo-nationalism has grown as a volatile political force in almost all European societies in tandem with the formation of a neoliberal European Union and wider capitalist globalizations. Focusing on working classes situated in long-run localized processes of social change, including processes of dispossession and disenfranchisement, this volume investigates how the experiences, histories, and relationships of social class are a necessary ingredient for explaining the re-emergence and dynamics of populist nationalism in both Eastern and Western Europe. Featuring in-depth urban and regional case studies from Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Italy and Scotland this volume reclaims class for anthropological research ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Kalb, Don; Halmai, Gabor
Reviews for Headlines of Nation, Subtexts of Class