Vital Connections: Politics, Social Security, and Inequality in Chile (Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies)
Silvia Borzutzky
Vital Connections is the first book-length treatment in English of the evolution of social security in Chile and its privatization under the Pinochet regime. Borzutzky's study contains a dynamic history of Chilean politics, a sophisticated discussion of social inequalities, and an in-depth analysis of social security policies in Chile from 1924 to the present. Her work focuses on three critical historical periods: the mid-1920s, the late 1960s, and the early to mid-1970s. In each of these key epochs, Chile experienced a crisis which prompted a reform of its socioeconomic organization and, consequently, of its social security system.
Throughout this concise, ... Read more
Borzutzky's timely analysis is particularly relevant to current considerations of social security reforms. Chile's social security system is often presented as a model for the rest of Latin America and other regions of the world, including the United States. Borzutzky's book highlights the impact of privatization on various segments and aspects of society, including women and the fiscal budget.
With an impressive array of historical and current data to support her statements, Borzutzky offers a compelling counter-argument to privatization and to traditional interpretations of Chilean politics. She offers a new window on the intimate connections between politics, policies, and the distribution of socioeconomic resources in Chile.
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About Silvia Borzutzky
Reviews for Vital Connections: Politics, Social Security, and Inequality in Chile (Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies)