Regional & national history
Results 9381 - 9400 of 21930
Regional & national history
Hardcover. Series: Princeton Legacy Library. Num Pages: 330 pages. BIC Classification: HBJD. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 235 x 155. .
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Condition
- New
- V9780691655000
- 9780691655000
Condition: New
€ 180.77
€ 180.77
Hardcover. Covers Nobel Peace Prize winner, Jimmy Carter's achievements and setbacks in light of what has been at once his greatest asset and flaw: his stubborn, faith-driven integrity. This book includes the energy crisis, the Iran hostage situation, the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal and other treaties, and the diplomatic emphasis on human rights. Num Pages: 144 pages. BIC Classification: 1KBB; BGH; HBJK; HBLW3; JPHL. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 216 x 140 x 17. Weight in Grams: 327.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2007
- Publisher
- University of Georgia Press
- Edition
- First Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780820329147
- 9780820329147
Condition: New
€ 161.10
€ 161.10
Paperback. In this text, Robin L. Einhorn uses City Council records and census data to track the course of city government in Chicago, providing an important reinterpretation of the relationship between political and social structures. Num Pages: 296 pages, 7 halftones, 10 maps. BIC Classification: 1KBBNC; 3JH; HBJK; JH; JP. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 231 x 148 x 18. Weight in Grams: 422.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- The University of Chicago Press United States
- Number of pages
- 296
- Condition
- New
- Edition
- Illustrated
- V9780226194868
- 9780226194868
Condition: New
€ 47.99€ 37.51
€ 47.99
€ 37.51
Hardback. Scholars in this collection show, after the demise of communism in Eastern Europe, property is again a major factor in shaping individual identity and in providing the political order and culture with a foundational institution. This volume analyzes both historical and contemporary forms of land ownership in Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Editor(s): Siegrist, Hannes; Muller, Dietmar. Num Pages: 376 pages, 21 tables. BIC Classification: 1DV; 3JJ; HBJD; HBLW; LAZ; LNS. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 232 x 157 x 22. Weight in Grams: 646.
- Publisher
- Berghahn Books
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2014
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781782384618
- 9781782384618
Condition: New
€ 162.40
€ 162.40
Hardcover. Christianity changed the culture and society of Iceland, as it also did in other parts of Northern Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. One of the important areas of change involved the introduction of new rules on the legal requirements for marriage. This book explores the very gradual Christianisation of marriage in Iceland. Num Pages: 533 pages, colour illus. BIC Classification: HBJD; HBLC1. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 252 x 182 x 44. Weight in Grams: 1550.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2010
- Publisher
- Aarhus University Press Denmark
- Number of pages
- 533
- Condition
- New
- V9788779345133
- 9788779345133
Condition: New
€ 42.55
€ 42.55
Traces the ways in which Spain went from being central to European history and identity during the early modern period to being marginalized and displaced by England, France, and Germany during the Romantic period. This book points out that it has been an assumption tainting literary criticism that Spain did not have a strong Romantic movement. Num Pages: 296 pages, index, bibliography. BIC Classification: 1DSE; HBJD; HBLH. Category: (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 229 x 152. .
- Publication date
- 2006
- Publisher
- Vanderbilt University Press
- Condition
- New
- V9780826515216
- 9780826515216
Condition: New
€ 126.26
€ 126.26
Hardback. Based upon original research in archives in Ireland, Great Britain, the United States and Canada, this study opens a new page in the history of wartime propaganda and censorship Series: International Communications. Num Pages: 208 pages. BIC Classification: 1DBR; HBJD1; HBWQ; JFMD; JPVN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 241 x 181 x 21. Weight in Grams: 470.
- Publisher
- Edinburgh University Press
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2006
- Condition
- New
- V9780748622771
- 9780748622771
Condition: New
€ 123.43€ 120.45
€ 123.43
€ 120.45
Paperback. Num Pages: 344 pages, b/w photos. BIC Classification: 1KBB; HBJK; HBLW; HBWN; HBWQ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 229 x 154 x 23. Weight in Grams: 598.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2009
- Publisher
- Progressive Press United States
- Number of pages
- 344
- Condition
- New
- V9781615771417
- 9781615771417
Condition: New
€ 32.99€ 22.23
€ 32.99
€ 22.23
hardcover. A study of the social, political, economic and public health aspects of World War II in South Asia, with particular attention to colonial Eastern India. The conclusion deals with the long-term effects of the War, including its effects on political formations and on bureaucratic re-negotiation. Series: London Studies on South Asia. Num Pages: 258 pages, maps. BIC Classification: 1FKA; 3JJH; HBJF; HBWQ; JPVN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 216 x 140 x 24. Weight in Grams: 431.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2000
- Publisher
- Routledge United Kingdom
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Number of pages
- 258
- Condition
- New
- V9780700714063
- 9780700714063
Condition: New
€ 185.20
€ 185.20
Paperback. The early 1980s in Britain were a time of hope, and of dread: of Cold War tension and imminent conflict, when crowds in the street could mean an ecstatic national celebration or an inner-city riot. The author recreates this moment of transition, with all its potential and uncertainty: the first precarious years of Margaret Thatcher's government. Num Pages: 464 pages. BIC Classification: 1DBK; 3JJPN; HBJD1; HBLW3. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 131 x 327 x 24. Weight in Grams: 346.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Condition
- New
- V9780241956885
- 9780241956885
Condition: New
€ 17.99€ 13.47
€ 17.99
€ 13.47
Paperback. The struggle for freedom in South Africa goes back a long way. In 1909, a remarkable interracial delegation of South Africans traveled to London to lobby for a non-racialized constitution and franchise for all. Among their allies was Mahatma Gandhi, who later encapsulated lessons from the experience in his most important book, Hind Swaraj. Num Pages: 200 pages. BIC Classification: HBJH. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 5969 x 3963. .
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Ohio University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 200
- Condition
- New
- V9780821422762
- 9780821422762
Condition: New
€ 34.99€ 32.09
€ 34.99
€ 32.09
Paperback. Num Pages: 288 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: 1HFMS; 3JJ; HBJH; JPHV; JPS; JPV; JPW. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 158 x 235 x 21. Weight in Grams: 376.
- Publisher
- Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Condition
- New
- V9781431423750
- 9781431423750
Condition: New
€ 18.99€ 17.47
€ 18.99
€ 17.47
Prologue to Manifest Destiny: Anglo-American Relations in the 1840's
Rakestraw, Donald A.; Jones, Howard
paperback. During the 1840s, the United States and England were in conflict over two unsettled territories along the undefined Canadian-American border. This title presents an account of the Maine and Oregon boundary treaties. Num Pages: 358 pages, photographs, index, bibliography. BIC Classification: 1DBKE; 1KBB; 3JH; HBJD1; HBJK; HBLL; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 227 x 164 x 19. Weight in Grams: 485.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1997
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers United States
- Number of pages
- 358
- Condition
- New
- V9780842024983
- 9780842024983
Condition: New
€ 62.52
€ 62.52
Hardback. This is an account of the settlement of the Maine and Oregon boundary disputes between the US and England during the 1840s. The country's success with England in resolving the dispute, marked the dawn of America's new age of expansion. This may be of value to students and history enthusiasts. Num Pages: photographs, index, bibliography. BIC Classification: 1DBKE; 1KBB; 3JH; HBJD1; HBJK; HBLL; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 233 x 159 x 24. Weight in Grams: 658.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 1997
- Publisher
- Scholarly Resources Inc.,U.S. United States
- Condition
- New
- V9780842024884
- 9780842024884
Condition: New
€ 171.36
€ 171.36
Paperback. The crisis facing the United States in 1850 was a dramatic prologue to the conflict that came a decade later. In this study, Holman Hamilton analyzes the complex events of the anxious months from December 1849, when the Senate debates began, until September 1850, when Congress passed the measures. Num Pages: 256 pages, 1ill.1M. BIC Classification: 1KBB; HBJK; HBLL. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 216 x 140 x 17. Weight in Grams: 336.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Publisher
- University Press of Kentucky
- Condition
- New
- V9780813191362
- 9780813191362
Condition: New
€ 47.64
€ 47.64
Paperback. In this lively cultural history, Doherty demonstrates that wartime Hollywood was not a rigidly controlled propaganda machine, as is often assumed, but an ad-hoc collaborative effort between the government and film industry. Series: Film and Culture Series. Num Pages: 381 pages, Film stills. BIC Classification: 1KBB; APFA; HBJK; HBTB; HBWQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 229 x 156 x 21. Weight in Grams: 552.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1999
- Publisher
- Columbia University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 381
- Condition
- New
- V9780231116350
- 9780231116350
Condition: New
€ 41.84
€ 41.84
Paperback. Examines how the presence of the United States as a colonial power in Southeast Asia was perceived by Americans, and how it influenced Southeast Asians and European imperial powers in the region. Series: American Encounters/Global Interactions. Num Pages: 256 pages, 6 photographs, 2 tables. BIC Classification: 1FM; 1KBB; 3JJ; HBJF; HBJK; HBLW; HBTQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 235 x 156 x 15. Weight in Grams: 376.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2010
- Publisher
- Duke University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 256
- Condition
- New
- Edition
- Illustrated
- V9780822348009
- 9780822348009
Condition: New
€ 36.99€ 34.08
€ 36.99
€ 34.08
Hardback. Tells the story of the American Christian missionaries in Korea from 1884 to 1942, who brought a new religion, modern education, and American political ideals to a nation conquered and ruled by the Japanese Empire. Project Eagle connects this era for the first time to OSS-Korean cooperation during the war through the story of its central figures. Num Pages: 368 pages, 50 photographs, 2 figures. BIC Classification: 1FPKN; 3JJH; HBJF; HBLW; HBWQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 229 x 152. .
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Potomac Books Inc
- Condition
- New
- V9781612348698
- 9781612348698
Condition: New
€ 44.99€ 42.78
€ 44.99
€ 42.78
Paperback. A wide-ranging appraisal of the legacy of progressivism. The essays, written by a group of political scientists and historians, explore the impact of progressivism on domestic as well as foreign affairs, and on the theory as well as practice of American government and politics. Editor(s): Milkis, Sidney M.; Mileur, Jerome M. Series: Political Development of the American Nation: Studies in Politics and History. Num Pages: 288 pages. BIC Classification: 1KBB; HBJK; HBLW; JPA. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 230 x 153 x 23. Weight in Grams: 463.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1999
- Publisher
- University of Massachusetts Press
- Condition
- New
- V9781558491939
- 9781558491939
Condition: New
€ 43.43
€ 43.43
Hardback. Baker and McAdoo, in league with Wilson, offer Craig the opportunity to deliver a fresh and insightful study of the period, its major issues, and some of its leading figures. Num Pages: 552 pages, 10, 10 black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 1KBB; 3JH; 3JJ; BGH; HBJK; JPA. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 238 x 166 x 39. Weight in Grams: 962.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2013
- Publisher
- Johns Hopkins University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 552
- Condition
- New
- V9781421407180
- 9781421407180
Condition: New
€ 63.48€ 58.98
€ 63.48
€ 58.98