Godless Communists
William B. Husband
"Godless Communists" offers a fresh interpretation of early Soviet efforts to create an atheistic, scientific society. William B. Husband shows that religion, contrary to Bolshevik assertions, was not merely an expression of gullibility and ignorance but a firmly entrenched system for ordering family and community relationships. The Bolsheviks' efforts to abolish the Church failed because they underestimated how tightly religious beliefs were woven into the fabric of the Russians' daily lives. Exploring the confrontation between secularism and the lower classes' traditional beliefs, "Godless Communists" illustrates how developments between 1917 and 1932 shaped the attitudes toward religion and atheism that endure ... Read more
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About William B. Husband
Reviews for Godless Communists
Slavic Review
The best and most comprehensive treatment of its subject to date.
Elegantly written.... A sophisticated, unjaundiced treatment of Orthodoxy after 1917.
H-Net Reviews