Since the Time of the Transformers: The Ancient Heritage of the Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah
Alan D. McMillan
This book examines over 4000 years of culture history of the related Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah peoples on western Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula. Using data from the Toquaht Archaeological Project, McMillan challenges current ethnographic interpretations that show little or no change in these peoples’ culture. Instead, by combining historical evidence, recent archaeological data, and oral traditions he demonstrates conclusively that there were in fact extensive cultural changes and restructuring in these societies in the century following contact with Europeans.
McMillan brings the reader up to modern times, identifying the major issues that face the Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah communities ... Read more
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About Alan D. McMillan
Reviews for Since the Time of the Transformers: The Ancient Heritage of the Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah
Steven Acheson
The Midden 31/4
In this comprehensive history of [western Vancouver Island and the northern tip of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington], Alan McMillan integrates all available sources of information into a single account, tracing the heritage of [the region’s indigenous] peoples from the earliest archaeological evidence over 4000 years ago and ... Read more