Religion, Culture, and the State: Reflections on the Bouchard-Taylor Report
. Ed(S): Adelman, Howard; Anctil, Pierre
The Canadian principle of reasonable accommodation demands that the cultural majority make certain concessions to the needs of minority groups if these concessions will not cause 'undue hardship.' This principle has caused much debate in Quebec, particularly over issues of language, Muslim head coverings, and religious symbols such as the kirpan (traditional Sikh dagger). In 2007, Quebec Premier Jean Charest commissioned historian and sociologist Gérard Bouchard and philosopher and political scientist Charles Taylor to co-chair a commission that would investigate the limits of reasonable accommodation in that province.
Religion, Culture, and the State addresses reasonable accommodation from legal, political, ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Adelman, Howard; Anctil, Pierre
Reviews for Religion, Culture, and the State: Reflections on the Bouchard-Taylor Report