The Burdens of Aspiration. Schools, Youth, and Success in the Divided Social Worlds of Silicon Valley.
Elsa Davidson
During the tech boom, Silicon Valley became one of the most concentrated zones of wealth polarization and social inequality in the United States—a place with a fast-disappearing middle class, persistent pockets of poverty, and striking gaps in educational and occupational achievement along class and racial lines. Low-wage workers and their families experienced a profound sense of exclusion from the techno-entrepreneurial culture, while middle class residents, witnessing up close the seemingly overnight success of a “new entrepreneurial” class, negotiated both new and seemingly unattainable standards of personal success and the erosion of their own economic security.
The Burdens of ... Read more
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About Elsa Davidson
Reviews for The Burdens of Aspiration. Schools, Youth, and Success in the Divided Social Worlds of Silicon Valley.
Amy L. Best,author of Fast Cars, Cool Rides: The Accelerating World of Youth and Their Cars ... Read more