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Malte Muller - Large Spectrum of Free Oscillations of the World Ocean Including the Full Ocean Loading and Self-attraction Effects - 9783540855750 - V9783540855750
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Large Spectrum of Free Oscillations of the World Ocean Including the Full Ocean Loading and Self-attraction Effects

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Description for Large Spectrum of Free Oscillations of the World Ocean Including the Full Ocean Loading and Self-attraction Effects Paperback. In this book, data from a model ocean developed to compute free oscillations is used to analyze the LSA effect on tides and the synthesis of tides by free oscillation. It is also used to show the existence of six long-period planetary vorticity modes. Series: Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs. Num Pages: 132 pages, biography. BIC Classification: LNKJ; RBKC. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 235 x 155 x 8. Weight in Grams: 219.
ThisbookdependsonadissertationpreparedattheDepartementofGeosciencesat theUniversityHamburg. ItwasacceptedbytheDepartementwiththegradesumma cumlaudein2008. IwouldliketothankmyacademicadvisorProf. Dr. WilfriedZahelforhisconstant supportandforthelongandconstructivediscussions. Further,IwouldliketothankProf. Dr. Jur .. genSundermann .. forintroducingmeto theInternationalMaxPlanckResearchSchool. TheInternationalMaxPlanckResearchSchoolforMaritimeAffairsandinparticu larProf. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jur .. genBasedowandhisco directorsarethankedforgivingme theopportunitytoperformthisstudyinHamburg. IacknowledgethecomputationalsupportoftheDKRZandNEC,especiallythe helpfulcommentsofKlausKetelsenandJens OlafBeismann. LastbutnotleastmanythankstomywifeJanaSillmannandmysonDariusfor givingmethetimeIneededforthisstudyandprovidingajoyfulandlovinghome. ThisworkhasbeenfundedbytheInternationalMaxPlanckResearchSchoolfor MaritimeAffairsattheUniversityHamburg. Hamburg,August2008 MalteMuller .. Contents Abstract...1 1 Introduction...3 2 TheoryandModel ...7 2. 1 Theory ...7 2. 1. 1 SecondaryForces:TheLoadingandSelf AttractionEffect . 8 2. 1. 2 TheEquationsofMotionandtheEquationofContinuity...11 2. 1. 3 EnergyBalance...1 4 2. 1. 4 ParameterizationoftheLSA AnAnalyticalApproach ...16 2. 2 Model...18 2. 2. 1 TheImplicitlyRestartedArnoldiMethod...19 2. 2. 2 TheParallelizationwithMPI ...21 2. 2. 3 ThePerformanceoftheModel...21 3 TheFreeOscillations...23 3. 1 GravitationalModes...23 3. 1. 1 The? value...24 3. 1. 2 TheIn?uenceoftheLSA ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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