Victims´ Rights and Victims´ Wrongs: Comparative Liability in Criminal Law
Vera Bergelson
"Don't blame the victim" is a cornerstone maxim of Anglo-American jurisprudence, but should the law generally ignore a victim's behavior in determining a defendant's liability? Victims' Rights and Victims' Wrongs criticizes the current criminal law approach and outlines a more fair, coherent, and efficient set of rules to recognize that victims sometimes co-author their own losses or injuries.
Evaluating a number of controversial cases involving euthanasia, sadomasochism, date rape, battered wives, and "innocent" aggressors, Vera Bergelson builds a theoretical foundation for reform. Her approach to comparative criminal liability takes into account the actions of both the perpetrator and the ... Read more
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About Vera Bergelson
Reviews for Victims´ Rights and Victims´ Wrongs: Comparative Liability in Criminal Law