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Panoramas literarios: Espa?a
Teresa M?Ndez-Faith
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Description for Panoramas literarios: Espa?a
Paperback. Introduces students to the study of Spanish literature through representative works by major literary figures from the Middle Ages to the present. This title places an emphasis on literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It exemplifies the genres of narrative, drama, and poetry, as well as important literary currents of the period. Num Pages: 544 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: 2ADS; DQ; DSB. Category: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 230 x 188 x 21. Weight in Grams: 796. Espana. 544 pages. Introduces students to the study of Spanish literature through representative works by major literary figures from the Middle Ages to the present. This title places an emphasis on literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It exemplifies the genres of narrative, drama, and poetry, as well as important literary currents of the period. Cateogry: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). BIC Classification: 2ADS; DQ; DSB. Dimension: 230 x 188 x 21. Weight: 792.
Designed for upper-level courses, the second edition of PANORAMAS LITERARIOS: ESPAÑA introduces students to the study of Spanish literature through representative works by major literary figures from the Middle Ages to the present. This anthology places a strong emphasis on literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and includes some of the most influential and active writers today. The carefully chosen selections exemplify the genres of narrative, drama, and poetry, as well as the most important literary currents of the period under study. This text is part of a two-volume anthology that can be used separately or in conjunction with ... Read moreits companion volume, PANORAMAS LITERARIOS: AMÉRICA HISPANA. Show Less
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Cengage Learning, Inc
Place of Publication
Florence, KY, United States
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Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
About Teresa M?Ndez-Faith
Beverly Mayne Kienzle received her BA from the University of Maryland and her MA and PhD from Boston College. She began teaching at Harvard Divinity School in 1986 and currently is the John H. Morison Professor of the Practice in Latin and Romance Languages, Lecturer on Medieval Christianity, and the Faculty Director of Language Studies. Her courses on Christian Latin ... Read moreand medieval Christianity emphasize the careful examination of primary sources and the role of texts in medieval culture. As past president of the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society, she channels her passion for medieval sermons into her teaching and her publications on preaching. Her work focuses on the place of preaching and sermons in the history of medieval religion and on evidence for women's preaching in monastic, lay, and dissident communities. A concern about violence against women motivates her continuing research on battering in historical narratives. She has published several books on medieval sermons and preaching, including: Hildegard of Bingen and her Gospel Homilies (2009); Hildegard of Bingen, Expositiones euangeliorum, co-edited with Carolyn Muessig (2007), and The Sermon. Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, fasc. 81-83, (2000). Teresa Méndez-Faith was born in Asuncion, Paraguay. She received her PhD at the University of Michigan in 1979. She currently resides in New England. An essayist, literary critic and college professor, she teaches Hispanic-American literature at Saint Anselm College, New Hampshire. She has authored several books including Paraguay: Novela y Exilio (1985) and Nuevos contextos: Doce cuentistas contemporáneos de Hispanoamérica (2002), and is co-author of four Spanish textbooks. Teresa Méndez-Faith has been awarded several academic distinctions, including two postgraduate scholarships from the National for Endowment the Humanities, the AAUP "Teacher of the Year" prize at her college (1990) and, also that same year, the "Sears-Roebuck Foundation Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership Award". Mary-Anne Vetterling is professor of Spanish at Regis College, Weston, MA. She received her BA from Smith College and her AM and PhD from Harvard University, with a specialization in medieval Spanish literature. At Harvard she won the Romance Language Prize for Excellence in Teaching. She has also been the Massachusetts Spanish Teacher of the Year and has received both the Alfonso X the Wise Award from the Ministry of Education in Spain and the Distinguished Service Award from the AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese), which she has served in numerous roles, including president in 2003. She is the editor of Enlace, the online newsletter for the AATSP. She has also been a Table Leader at the reading of the Advanced Placement Exam in Spanish for more than twenty years. She has numerous publications and conference presentations on medieval Spanish literature, animals in world literature, Hispanic culture, film, the Camino de Santiago, and the pedagogy of foreign language teaching. She has edited several volumes of essays for conferences and has written extensively for several Spanish textbooks. Show Less
Reviews for Panoramas literarios: Espa?a
Preface. Introduction: Reading and Interpreting Literature. I.De la Edad Media al Renacimiento. Sinopsis historico-literaria. ANONIMO, El Cantar de Mio Cid. ANONIMO, Auto de los Reyes Magos. DON JUAN MANUEL, Ejemplo XLV: "De lo que le sucedio a un hombre que se hizo amigo y vasallo del diablo". JUAN RUIZ, ARCIPRESTE DE HITA, "Debate entre los griegos y romanos", "La mujer ... Read morey la alcahueta ideales", "La serrana Aldara", " Mur de Guadalajara y Mur de Monferrado". JORGE MANRIQUE, Coplas que hizo por la muerte del maestre de Santiago don Rodrigo Manrique, su padre. ROMANCES, "Romance del rey moro que perdio Alhama", "Romance de como se perdio Espana". FERNANDO DE ROJAS, La Celestina. II. Del Renacimiento a la Ilustracion. Sinopsis historico-literaria. GARCILASO DE LA VEGA, "Soneto X", "Soneto XXIII". ANONIMO, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades: Tratado primero. FRAY LUIS DE LEON, "Vida retirada", "Al salir de le carcel". SANTA TERESA DE JESUS, Libro de su Vida: Capitulo 1. SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ, "La noche oscura". MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Don Quijote de la Mancha: Capitulo 8. El retablo de las maravillas. FELIX LOPE DE VEGA Y CARPIO, Fuenteovejuna. LUIS DE GONGORA Y ARGOTE, "Las flores del romero", "A la ciudad de Cordoba y su fertilidad". FRANCISCO DE QUEVEDO Y VILLEGAS, "Poderoso caballero es don Dinero", "Salmo XVII", "A un hombre de gran nariz". MARIA DE ZAYAS Y SOTOMAYOR, "La fuerza del amor". III. De la Ilustracion a la Generacion del 98. Sinopsis historico-literaria. JOSE CADALSO, Carta XXXVIII: Orgullo de los espanoles. TOMAS DE IRIARTE, "El burro flautista", "La ardilla y el caballo". JOSE DE ESPRONCEDA, "Cancion del pirata". MARIANO JOSE DE LARRA, "Vuelva usted manana". GUSTAVO ADOLFO BECQUER Rimas: XXXIII, XI y XXI. ROSALIA DE CASTRO, "Dicen que no hablan has plantas", "Hora tras hora... ". FERNAN CABALLERO, "El galleguito". PEDRO ANTONIO DE ALARCON, "Tic...Tac... ". BENITO PEREZ GALDOS, "La novela en el tranvia". LEOPOLDO ALAS (CLARIN), "!Adios, Cordera!". EMILIA PARDO BAZAN, "El encaje roto". IV. De la generacion del 98 a la Guerra Civil. Sinopsis historico-literaria. ANTONIO MACHADO, "Noche de verano", "He andado muchos caminos", "Retrato". PIO BAROJA, "Lo desconocido". SERAFIN Y JOAQUIN ALVAREZ QUINTERO, Manana de sol. JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ, "Intelijencia", "El viaje definitivo". Platero y yo: Capitulo I y Capitulo CXXXV. RAMON MARIA DEL VALLE-INCLAN, "Un ejemplo". CONCHA ESPINA, "Buscando playa". MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO, "Al correr los anos", "Castilla", "Tu voluntad". AZORIN (JOSE MARTINEZ RUIZ), "La Espana invisible". FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA, "La guitarra", "Cancion de jinete", "Romance sonambulo". V. De la Guerra Civil a la muerte de Franco. Sinopsis historico-literaria. LUIS CERNUDA, "Un espanol habla de su tierra", "Hacia la tierra". CAMILO JOSE CELA, "Un nino piensa". CARMEN LAFORET, "La muerta". DAMASO ALONSO, "Hermanos", "A un rio le llamaban Carlos". ANA MARIA MATUTE, "La conciencia". JOSE RUIBAL, La secretaria. VICENTE ALEIXANDRE, "Despues de la guerra". RAFAEL ALBERTI, "El mar, la mar", "Madre visteme", "Los angeles muertos", "Los ninos de Extremadura", "A 'Niebla' mi perro", "Se equivoco la paloma", "Cita triste de Charlot". VI. De la muerte de Franco al presente. Sinopsis historico-literaria. MIGUEL DELIBES, Mi querida bicicleta: un capitulo. FRANCISCO AYALA, "Funebre Nueva York". JUAN BENET, "La novela en la Espana de hoy". RAMON SENDER, "Pablo el malagueno". CARMEN MARTIN GAITE, Introduccion a Usos amorosos de la postguerra espanola. FERNANDO SAVATER, Los siete pecados capitales: Capitulo 1. ROSA MONTERO, La loca de la casa: Capitulo 2. ANTONIO MUNOZ MOLINA, "La voz humana". GLORIA FUERTES, "Naci para poeta o para muerto", "Zoo de verbena", "Poeta de guardia", "En los bosques de Penna (U.S.A)", "'Antipoema?", "Minicursi", "Principio de cuento", "Poetica", "No perdamos el tiempo". FRANCISCO UMBRAL, "Agua en marte", "Los rios de Espana", "Los gatos", "El pino", "El tabaco", "El castellano", "El abanico". MANUEL VAZQUEZ MONTALBAN, "Nunca desayunare en Tiffany", "Poema de Darde", "Hasta los atomos", "Si te perdieras", "Si se supiera", "Tal vez sea cierto". JUAN MARSE, "Nada para morir". SOLEDAD PUERTOLAS, "Contra Fortinelli". Glosario de terminos literarios y culturales. Vocabulario espanol-ingles. Show Less