The Concept of Modernism
Astradur Eysteinsson
The term "modernism" is central to any discussion of twentieth-century literature and critical theory. Astradur Eysteinsson here maintains that the concept of modernism does not emerge directly from the literature it subsumes, but is in fact a product of critical practices relating to nontraditional literature. Intervening in these practices, and correlating them with modernist works and with modern literary theory, Eysteinsson undertakes a comprehensive reexamination of the idea of modernism.
Eysteinsson critically explores various manifestations of modernism in a rich array of American, British, and European literature, criticism, and theory. He first examines many modernist paradigms, detecting in them a ... Read more
Comparatists, literary theorists, cultural historians, and others interested in twentieth-century literature and art will profit from this provocative book.
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About Astradur Eysteinsson
Reviews for The Concept of Modernism
World Literature Today
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