The Theatre of Don Juan: A Collection of Plays and Views, 1630-1963
"Many good things are provided for our instruction and delight in this handsome volume. Chief among them perhaps, and most keenly wanted in a collection of this sort . . . are sanity and wit."—The Romanic Review
"A most interesting literary history of the Don Juan theme with the plays or works themselves serving as illustrations. Professor Mandel's general introduction and his shorter introductions and commentaries throughout the book are solid, wise, and engaging."—Robert E. Taylor, Renaissance News
"This anthology is exhaustive and informative, expertly translated, and, by virtue of its subject, damned exciting."—Quarterly Journal of Speech
"[The translations] are ... Read more
The eternal Don Juan, the creation more than 350 years ago of a monk and dramatist known as Tirso de Molina, has appeared on the boards as a thinker and fool, hero and villain, but never as anything less than a great lover. Oscar Mandel's Theatre of Don Juan presents different aspects of the Don's spectacular progress through a half-dozen countries, epochs, and intellectual climates. Here are full-length plays by Molina, Molière, Shadwell, Da Ponte, Grabbe, Moncrieff, Zorrilla, and Rostand; excerpts from plays by Shaw, Montherlant, and Frisch; plus a dozen critical and interpretative essays. In his introduction, Mandel examines the legend of Don Juan.
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Reviews for The Theatre of Don Juan: A Collection of Plays and Views, 1630-1963