Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected Works (The Classics of Western Spirituality)
G.R. Evans
"...a milestone in American religious publishing." New Catholic World
Bernard of Clairvaux-Selected Works
translation and foreword by G.R. Evans
introduction by Jean Leclercq, O.S.B.
preface by Ewert H. Cousins
"Lord, you are good to the soul which seeks you. What are you then to the soul which finds? But this is the most wonderful thing, that no one can seek you who has not already found you. You therefore seek to be found so that you may be sought for, sought so that you may be found."
—Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)
Born in ... Read more
But Bernard's dedication to the strict observance of Benedict's rule was mingled not with the abrasive, shrill style of the prophet but with a sweetness and purity of vision that earned him the title Doctor mellifluous. For he possessed a sense of the love of God, the importance of humility, and the sheer beauty of holiness that has made his writings favorites of scholars and laymen alike throughout the ages.
Here in a new translation by G.R. Evans are the writings that have had such a major role in shaping the Western monastic tradition and influencing the development of catholic mystical theology. Together with an introduction by the master of Bernard studies, Jean Leclercq, they comprise a volume that occupies a place of special importance in the chronicle of the history of the Western spiritual adventure.
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