Charts of Ancient and Medieval Church History
John D. Hannah
See how the history of the Christian church unfolded from its first century roots through the medieval period.
Packed with nearly 160 visual teaching and learning tools, from charts and timelines, to maps and visual guides—Charts of Ancient and Medieval Church History will help you quickly grasp the historic foundation on which contemporary Christianity rests. From geography, to theology, to doctrines both orthodox and heretical, to key figures and movements over the first 1,500 years of its history, the broad comprehensive scope of ancient church history is represented simply and clearly.
Perfect for enhancing every type of teaching and learning situation ... Read more
- The Life of Jesus Christ
- The Age of the Earliest Church Fathers
- The Age of the Apologists
- Essential Components of Gnosticism
- Pelagius and Augustine Compared
- The Emergence of the Roman Catholic Church
- The Division of the Church: West and East
- The Crusades
ZondervanCharts are ready references for those who need the essential information at their fingertips. Accessible and highly useful, the books in this library offer clear organization and thorough summaries of issues, subjects, and topics that are key for Christian students and learners. The visuals and captions will cater to any teaching methodology, style, or program.
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About John D. Hannah
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