2 Corinthians: Words from a Caring Shepherd (MacArthur Bible Studies)
John Macarthur
The apostle Paul wrote this intensely personal and biographical letter to defend his ministry and integrity against the slanderous attacks of false teachers and critics of the Christian movement.
After spending eighteen months in Corinth helping to establish a church, the apostle Paul moved on in his mission to build more churches in Asia Minor. But back in Corinth, false teachers began to infiltrate the church, and they were intent on ruining Paul’s character and ministry. This threatened to separate and create chaos among this once-unified body.
Pastor John MacArthur will take you through the first letter to the church in ... Read more
The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:
- Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.
- Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.
- Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.
- Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.
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About John Macarthur
Reviews for 2 Corinthians: Words from a Caring Shepherd (MacArthur Bible Studies)