The Other Jewish Question: Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of Modernity
Jay Geller
This book examines how modernizing German-speaking cultures, undergoing their own processes of identification, responded to the narcissistic threat posed by the continued persistence of Judentum (Judaism, Jewry, Jewishness) by representing “the Jew”’s body—or rather parts of that body and the techniques performed upon them. Such fetish-producing practices reveal the question of German-identified modernity to be inseparable from the Jewish Question.
But Jewish-identified individuals, immersed in the phantasmagoria of such figurations—in the gutter and garret salon, medical treatise and dirty joke, tabloid caricature and literary depiction, church façade and bric-a-brac souvenir—had their own question, another Jewish Question. They also had ... Read more
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About Jay Geller
Reviews for The Other Jewish Question: Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of Modernity
David Meola -H-Judiac, H-Net Reviews "A fascinating book about Jewish embodiment and the complex relationship between the Jewish body and German-Jewish modernity."
-Todd Presner University of California, Los Angeles