The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
James Strong
Built from the towering trunk of James Strong's classic concordance tool, the Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible reflects the accuracy and clarity of the work of biblical research experts John Kohlenberger and James Swanson—now in large, readable type.
Reflective of thousands of research hours, custom computer technology, and an exclusive database perfected over twenty years—this is one of the most valuable and thorough tools for those in ministry, teachers, and any student of the Bible.
Longstanding errors from the original Strong's have been corrected and omissions filled in. Special care has been given to maximizing ease of use so ... Read more
Special features include:
- Computer-verified accuracy developed from cutting-edge computer analysis.
- Strong's numbering system speeds you through word studies, giving you clear insights into Greek and Hebrew words.
- Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes give you access to the growing library of reference tools that use these numbers.
- The most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.
- Cross-references to places and names used in Bible translations besides the KJV.
- Word counts of every word in the Bible.
- Fast-Tab locators to make finding your place as simple as with any Bible software.
- Words of Christ highlighted.
- Clear, easy-to-read type with font size in 8 pt.
- Comprehensive guidance for using The Strongest Strong's.
Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Larger Print Edition is a complete and readable concordance that allows for precise and accurate word study. Absent of all the cluttering bells-and-whistles (and the monthly fee) of a software package, this is ideal for your library.
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About James Strong
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