Significant Soil: Settler Colonialism and Japan's Urban Empire in Manchuria (Harvard East Asian Monographs)
Emer O´dwyer
Like all empires, Japan’s prewar empire encompassed diverse territories as well as a variety of political forms for governing such spaces. This book focuses on Japan’s Kwantung Leasehold and Railway Zone in China’s three northeastern provinces. The hybrid nature of the leasehold’s political status vis-à-vis the metropole, the presence of the semipublic and enormously powerful South Manchuria Railway Company, and the region’s vulnerability to inter-imperial rivalries, intra-imperial competition, and Chinese nationalism throughout the first decades of the twentieth century combined to give rise to a distinctive type of settler politics. Settlers sought inclusion within a broad Japanese imperial sphere while ... Read more
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About Emer O´dwyer
Reviews for Significant Soil: Settler Colonialism and Japan's Urban Empire in Manchuria (Harvard East Asian Monographs)