Developing Skill, Developing Vision: Practices of Locality at the Foot of the Alps (European Anthropology in Translation) (European Anthropology in Translation)
Cristina Grasseni
Many people feel that the impact of technology and the pressure of the market economy on alpine communities leads to a loss of biodiversity, authenticity and cultural diversity, affecting animal husbandry, local food production, social networks and traditions. It is undeniable that "progress," "development" and "integration" are transforming working routines, recipes for dairy production and patterns of communication in rural communities. This book explores the many tensions at the core of present local practices and debates in the Italian Alps, highlighting the many transformations undergone within skilled practice and cultural heritage as a result of commoditization, professionalization and technification, ... Read more
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About Cristina Grasseni
Reviews for Developing Skill, Developing Vision: Practices of Locality at the Foot of the Alps (European Anthropology in Translation) (European Anthropology in Translation)