East Asia in Transition: Economic and Security Challenges
. Ed(S): Safarian, A. E.; Dobson, Wendy
The HSBC Bank Canada Papers on Asia series was begun in 1995 to examine Canada's relationship with the East Asian economies and to reduce the information barriers resulting from distance and unfamiliarity in these markets. Six years on from the inception of the series, much has changed in the international environment. The Asian economies suffered a significant crash, a rapid rebound, only to slow again in 2000-2001. This, the sixth and last volume in the series, looks to the future. This new volume focuses on key issues facing the region that corporations and governments should understand, including East Asian regionalization ... Read more
With contributions from leading scholars intimately familiar with both Canadian and East Asian business practices, these volumes are an indispensable resource for corporations and governments looking to expand their business into East Asia, or for anyone who wants to better understand Canada's complex relationship with the Asian countries.
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About . Ed(S): Safarian, A. E.; Dobson, Wendy
Reviews for East Asia in Transition: Economic and Security Challenges