Observation and Control for Operator Semigroups
Tucsnak, Marius; Weiss, George H.
€ 131.54
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Description for Observation and Control for Operator Semigroups
Hardback. This book studies observation and control operators for linear systems where the free evolution of the state can be described by an operator semigroup on a Hilbert space. It includes a large number of examples coming mostly from partial differential equations. Series: Birkhauser Advanced Texts / Basler Lehrbucher. Num Pages: 494 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBKJ; PBW. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 174 x 239 x 31. Weight in Grams: 1028.
The evolution of the state of many systems modeled by linear partial di?erential equations (PDEs) or linear delay di?erential equations can be described by ope- torsemigroups.Thestate ofsucha systemis anelementin anin?nite-dimensional normed space, whence the name "in?nite-dimensional linear system". The study of operator semigroups is a mature area of functional analysis, which is still very active. The study of observation and control operators for such semigroups is relatively more recent. These operators are needed to model the - teraction of a system with the surrounding world via outputs or inputs. The main topicsofinterestaboutobservationandcontroloperatorsareadmissibility,obse- ability, controllability, stabilizability and detectability. Observation and control ... Read more
The evolution of the state of many systems modeled by linear partial di?erential equations (PDEs) or linear delay di?erential equations can be described by ope- torsemigroups.Thestate ofsucha systemis anelementin anin?nite-dimensional normed space, whence the name "in?nite-dimensional linear system". The study of operator semigroups is a mature area of functional analysis, which is still very active. The study of observation and control operators for such semigroups is relatively more recent. These operators are needed to model the - teraction of a system with the surrounding world via outputs or inputs. The main topicsofinterestaboutobservationandcontroloperatorsareadmissibility,obse- ability, controllability, stabilizability and detectability. Observation and control ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Birkhauser Verlag AG Switzerland
Number of pages
Birkhauser Advanced Texts / Basler Lehrbucher
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Basel, Switzerland
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Observation and Control for Operator Semigroups
From the reviews: “This book deals with the observation and control of linear systems described by semigroups of operators in Hilbert spaces. … In particular, in this book the authors are able to use their ideas to establish the exact observability or exact controllability of various systems. … The book is written in an appropriate style for graduate students, ... Read more