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. Ed(S): Garbaczewski, Piotr; Olkiewicz, Robert - Dynamics of Dissipation - 9783540441113 - V9783540441113
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Dynamics of Dissipation

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Description for Dynamics of Dissipation Hardback. This collection of lectures treats the dynamics of open systems with a strong emphasis on dissipation phenomena related to dynamical chaos. It covers topics such as nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, environment-system coupling (decoherence) and applications of Markov semi-groups. Editor(s): Garbaczewski, Piotr; Olkiewicz, Robert. Series: Lecture Notes in Physics. Num Pages: 526 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PHD; PHM. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 28. Weight in Grams: 917.
The present volume contains expanded and substantially reworked records of invitedlecturesdeliveredduringthe38thKarpaczWinterSchoolofTheoretical Physics on "Dynamical Semigroups: Dissipation, Chaos, Quanta", which took placeinLadek , Zdr' oj,(Poland)intheperiod6-15February2002. Themainpurposeoftheschoolwastocreateaplatformfortheconfrontation ofviewpointsandresearchmethodologiesrepresentedbytwogroupsofexperts actually working in the very same area of theoretical physics. This situation is quite distinct in non-equilibrium statistical physics of open systems, where classicalandquantumaspectsareaddressedseparatelybymeansofverydi?erent andevenincompatibleformaltools. TheschooltopicsselectionbytheLecturersreads:dissipativedynamicsand chaoticbehaviour,modelsofenvironment-systemcouplingandmodelsofth- mostats;non-equilibriumstatisticalmechanicsandfarfromequilibriumphen- ena;quantumopensystems,decoherenceandlinkstoquantumchaos;quantum andclassicalapplicationsofMarkovsemigroupsandthevalidityofMarkovian approximations. Theorganizingprincipleforthewholeendeavourwastheissueofthedyn- ics of open systems and more speci?cally -15February2002. Themainpurposeoftheschoolwastocreateaplatformfortheconfrontation ofviewpointsandresearchmethodologiesrepresentedbytwogroupsofexperts actually working in the very same area of theoretical physics. This situation is quite distinct in non-equilibrium statistical physics of open systems, where classicalandquantumaspectsareaddressedseparatelybymeansofverydi?erent andevenincompatibleformaltools. TheschooltopicsselectionbytheLecturersreads:dissipativedynamicsand chaoticbehaviour,modelsofenvironment-systemcouplingandmodelsofth- mostats;non-equilibriumstatisticalmechanicsandfarfromequilibriumphen- ena;quantumopensystems,decoherenceandlinkstoquantumchaos;quantum andclassicalapplicationsofMarkovsemigroupsandthevalidityofMarkovian approximations. Theorganizingprincipleforthewholeendeavourwastheissueofthedyn- ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Lecture Notes in Physics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Dynamics of Dissipation
"The value of this volume is that it helps give students and other researchers a view of ‘the big picture’ in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics." (The Physicist, 40/5, 2003)

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