Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond
. Ed(S): Astrom, Karl Johan; Persson, Lars Erik; Silvestrov, Sergei D.
This book project was initiated at The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr and the follow-up workshop Inequalities, Interpolation, Non-commutative, Analysis, Non-commutative Geometry and Applications INANGA08, held at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University in May and November of 2008.
The resulting book is dedicated in celebration of Gunnar Sparr's sixty-fifth anniversary and more than forty years of exceptional service to mathematics and its applications in engineering and technology, mathematics and engineering education, as well as interdisciplinary, industrial and international cooperation.
This book presents new advances in several areas of mathematics and engineering mathematics including applications in ... Read more
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Reviews for Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond