Complex Variables (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts)
Joseph L. Taylor
The text covers a broad spectrum between basic and advanced complex variables on the one hand and between theoretical and applied or computational material on the other hand. With careful selection of the emphasis put on the various sections, examples, and exercises, the book can be used in a one- or two-semester course for undergraduate mathematics majors, a one-semester course for engineering or physics majors, or a one-semester course for first-year mathematics graduate students. It has been tested in all three settings at the University of Utah.
The exposition is clear, concise, and lively. There is a clean and modern ... Read more
Through the central portion of the text, there is a careful and extensive treatment of residue theory and its application to computation of integrals, conformal mapping and its applications to applied problems, analytic continuation, and the proofs of the Picard theorems.
Chapter 8 covers material on infinite products and zeroes of entire functions. This leads to the final chapter which is devoted to the Riemann zeta function, the Riemann Hypothesis, and a proof of the Prime Number Theorem.
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About Joseph L. Taylor
Reviews for Complex Variables (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts)