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Mishra, Shashi Kant; Wang, Shou Yang; Lai, Kin Keung - Generalized Convexity and Vector Optimization - 9783540856702 - V9783540856702
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Generalized Convexity and Vector Optimization

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Description for Generalized Convexity and Vector Optimization Hardback. This book discusses the Kuhn-Tucker Optimality, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions in presence of various types of generalized convexity assumptions. It details the present state of knowledge on research done in this area. Series: Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications. Num Pages: 304 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBKQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 19. Weight in Grams: 625.
The present lecture note is dedicated to the study of the optimality conditions and the duality results for nonlinear vector optimization problems, in ?nite and in?nite dimensions. The problems include are nonlinear vector optimization problems, s- metric dual problems, continuous-time vector optimization problems, relationships between vector optimization and variational inequality problems. Nonlinear vector optimization problems arise in several contexts such as in the building and interpretation of economic models; the study of various technolo- cal processes; the development of optimal choices in ?nance; management science; production processes; transportation problems and statistical decisions, etc. In preparing this lecture note a special ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Generalized Convexity and Vector Optimization
Aus den Rezensionen: "... Das Buch ist eine sehr stringente und anspruchsvolle Aneinanderreihung von Definitionen, Lemmata, Theoremen und Korollaren sowie von deren Beweisen ... Das vorliegende Werk ist ... ein umfassendes und in seiner Tiefe beeindruckendes Fachbuch, es richtet sich ... an Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Optimierung ... Das Buch uberzeugt durch seine gute und ubersichtliche Form, seine konsequente ... Read more

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