Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
Dror Varolin
This book establishes the basic function theory and complex geometry of Riemann surfaces, both open and compact. Many of the methods used in the book are adaptations and simplifications of methods from the theories of several complex variables and complex analytic geometry and would serve as excellent training for mathematicians wanting to work in complex analytic geometry.
After three introductory chapters, the book embarks on its central, and certainly most novel, goal of studying Hermitian holomorphic line bundles and their sections. Among other things, finite-dimensionality of spaces of sections of holomorphic line bundles of compact Riemann surfaces and the triviality ... Read more
The intended reader has had first courses in real and complex analysis, as well as advanced calculus and basic differential topology (though the latter subject is not crucial). As such, the book should appeal to a broad portion of the mathematical and scientific community.
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About Dror Varolin
Reviews for Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)